Category Archives: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome without Surgery

Millions of Americans suffer from the pain and disability of carpal tunnel syndrome. Most do not know that conservative measures provide relief in the majority of cases. Almost all people with the pain, numbness and weakness in the hands and wrists can be helped with manual medicine. The osteopath evaluates the nerves, blood vessels, and muscles first for any abnormality. Next is a structural exam to check for decreased range of motion of the wrist and hand. This is almost always abnormal. By opening up the canal […]

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – A Pinching Pain For Your Wrists

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is a very common problem affecting your hands and wrists. Many believe that computers are a major cause for such kind of a problem. But Before this problem was already in existence due to the kind of work we used to do. Computers do add to the risk of the syndrome but, is not termed as a main culprit. There are other reasons for suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome such like knitting, wood carving, minute work or detailed work, excessive use of vibrating machines […]

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About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Did you know that one in every one hundred people is affected by what is known as carpal tunnel syndrome at some point in their life? While commonly found in women in the thirty to fifty-year age range, carpal tunnel syndrome can affect nearly anyone, from assembly line workers, to surgeons and dentists, to secretaries and computer data entry personnel, to even those who play musical instruments or video games. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a very painful and progressive condition that occurs in the wrist, caused by […]

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